Publish Access Web Database to SharePoint 2010 Access Services

Here are the pre-requisite for publishing the access web database to access services.

1. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services add-in for SharePoint Technologies 2010 and configure it.


2. Create a service account (in Active Directory) to run the application pool of Access Services

3. Register the service account as the managed account in the central administration

4. Start the Access Service application


In order to make the access database publishable to SharePoint 2010 Access Services, create the access database using ‘web database’ template in access 2010.


Now we can create the required set of tables within Access Web Database. The next step is to publish the access web database to SharePoint 2010 Access Services

1. File –> Save & Publish

2. Click ‘Publish to Access Services’

3. Enter Server Url and Site Name


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