Silverlight Blueprints for SharePoint

Microsoft released the source code for the Silverlight Blueprints for SharePoint—based on the Silverlight Beta 2 release. The Silverlight Blueprints for SharePoint provide a way for developers to better understand how to integrate Silverlight applications with SharePoint. Silverlight is an incredibly popular technology and with the increase in SharePoint adoption we’re finding an increased call for integrating technologies like Silverlight with SharePoint.  

In this release, you’ll find five blueprint samples:

1.       Hello World
2.       Media Player
3.       Slider Control
4.       Custom Navigation
5.       Colleague Viewer


Included in the release are documentation for each of the samples and the source code (go to the Releases tab of the CodePlex site). Also posted to the site is an FAQ document. In the coming days and week, we’ll publish additional screen-casts and any other supporting documentation we create or that is provided to us through the developer community.

The links to get to the Silverlight Blueprints for SharePoint are:

1.   –or direct at the CodePlex site

Programmatically Create SharePoint Survey questions


I’m seeing this question “Is there way to create SharePoint Survey questions programmatically ?” many times in SharePoint Forums and News Groups


The answer is that it’s definitely achievable programmatically through SharePoint API’s. The following snippet would help.

SPWeb web = SPControl.GetContextWeb(HttpContext.Current);

Guid surveyId = web.Lists.Add(“Name of the Title”, “Description of the survey”, SPListTemplateType.Survey);

SPList survey = web.Lists[“Survey List Name or Id];

string Question = “Question#1 for survey”;

StringCollection choices = new  StringCollection();

choices.Add(“first choice”);

choices.Add(“second choice”);

choices.Add(“third choice”);

survey.Fields.Add(Question, SPFieldType.Choice, true, false, choices);


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Hide Survey Results Graph in SharePoint


There is a survey list in sharepoint site. Is there a way to hide the result graph from users. i.e to hide the grapical representation for all the users.


Yes, his is definitely feasible with the out-of-box features of sharepoint. Perform the following steps

Add the survey list to the web part pages as the ListView web part

Site Actions –> Edit Page –> Add a Web Part

Under Lists and Libraries, choose the survey list and add to the web part page

Now you get the ListView web part for the survey.

On the web part settings Edit –> Modify Shared Web Part

Under the Selected View —> Change the View to “<Summary View>”

Then provide the contributor-level  permissions to the users, who want to participate in the survey

Now it won’t show the option for Graphical Responses for everyone.

If you want to get back old-view, just flip the view back to “Overview”



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