How to retrieve current user in SharePoint 2013 Online using CSOM

In this post, we’ll see how we can retrieve the current user in a SharePoint 2013 online site using client side object model (CSOM). We’ll  be using a console application for the purpose of this demonstration.

Open Visual Studio 2013

File –> New Project –> C# –> Console application

Add  reference to the following assemblies.



Import the following namespaces at the top of Program.cs

using  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using System.Security;

namespace Retrievecurrentuser
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            using (ClientContext oClientContext = new ClientContext(@""))

                //Assign User Id for your SharePoint Online tenant     
                string UserName = "";

                //Assign password for your SharePoint online tenant
                string Password = "password";

                //Create a SecureString object from password string, needed for SharePointOnlineCredentials class
                SecureString SecurePassword = GetSecureString(Password);
                oClientContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(UserName, SecurePassword);

                //load the properties of web object
                Web oWeb = oClientContext.Web;

                //retrieve the site name
                string SiteName = oWeb.Title;

                //retrieve the current user

            Console.WriteLine("Login Name"+ oClientContext.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName);
                Console.WriteLine("Is Admin"+ oClientContext.Web.CurrentUser.IsSiteAdmin);
                Console.WriteLine("Email"+ oClientContext.Web.CurrentUser.Email);


        private static SecureString GetSecureString(String Password)
            SecureString oSecurePassword = new SecureString();

            foreach (Char c in Password.ToCharArray())

            return oSecurePassword;


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Then create a clientcontext in the program.cs, load the web object (execute query) and then load the current user based on the web object.

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Now we’ll be able to fetch the user properties like the below.


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